С.В. Панкова
Модель горита из Оглахтинского могильника.
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Аннотация. В статье рассмотрена модель горита из погребения 4 таштыкского грунтового могильника Оглахты (III-IV вв. н.э., раскопки Л.Р. Кызласова 1969 г.). Дано детальное описание модели, приведены её фотографии и прорисовки. Судя по аналогиям в могильнике Субейси (Синьцзян) V-III вв. до н.э., конструктивно модель относилась к горитам скифского типа; можно предполагать, что к той же традиции принадлежали и полновесные таштыкские луки и гориты, данных о которых крайне мало. При этом декоративное оформление модели (окантовка полихромным шёлком) отвечало вкусам своего времени.
Annotation. This paper considers the model of a gorytus from burial 4 of the Tashtyk flat-grave cemetery of Oglakhty (3rd-4th century AD, excavation by L.R. Kyzlasov in 1969). A detailed description of the model is presented, as well as its photographs and their tracings. Judging through parallels from the burial ground of Subeixi (Xinjiang) of the 5th-3rd century BC, our model, in terms of its design, belonged to goryti of the Scythian type; it is possible that we should attribute to the same tradition the real Tashtyk bows and goryti on which the information is however very scarce. However, the decorative design of the model under consideration (edged with polychromatic silk) seems to have been meeting the tastes of its time.
Ключевые слова: Южная Сибирь, Минусинская котловина, таштыкская культура, грунтовые могильники, скифское время, Восточный Туркестан, вооружение, налучье, колчан, вотивы, имитации, кожа, полихромный шёлк.
Keywords: South Siberia, Minusinsk Hollow, Tashtyk culture, flat-grave burial grounds, Scythian period, East Turkestan, weapons, bowcase, quiver, votives, imitations, leather, polychrome silk.
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Model of a gorytus from the Oglakhty Cemetery. ^
S.V. Pankova
In grave 4 of the flat-grave cemetery of Oglakhty (excavated by Leonid R. Kyzlasov, Tashtyk culture), there was a unique funerary model of a gorytus — miniature leather bowcase with external pockets for arrows and inserted models of bows, feathered arrow shafts and a nogayka whip (Fig. 1). The model presented a distinctive and spectacular object (Fig. 4); the tips of the whip were plated with gold foil (Fig. 5, 3, 4). This paper is the first to consider in detail the design of the Oglakhty model. The good state of preservation and the abundance of the details allow us to consider it as an object retaining the construction of the real Tashtyk cases for bows and arrows of the 1st-4th century AD the data on which is very scarce. The Oglakhty model shows considerable resemblance to the also well preserved goryti of the 5th-3rd century BC from the cemetery of Subeixi in East Turkestan (Fig. 6, 1-4). Among the common construction features there is the function of the case as the base of the gorytus, the presence of a wooden frame planking, small sewn-on pockets for arrows, stitching of the edge of the gorytus with straps, a belt suspension loop in the slot near the plank, and a ‘projection/insert’ in the opposite lateral seam. Thus, the Oglakhty model, in terms of its construction, belonged to goryti of the Scythian type. One can assume that also the real early Tashtyk goryti belonged to the same tradition, although already archaic one for their time considering the bows and goryti of new types distributed in the first half of the 1st millennium AD (Fig. 7). The design of the Oglakhty model might have been either a heritage of the Tagar epoch or linked with the Central-Asiatic migrants of the beginning of the new era. By contrast to the construction, the decorative design of the model, i.e. the edging with polychromatic silk, corresponded to its time.