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К.В. Чугунов. Аржан-2: погребально-поминальный комплекс в тувинской «долине царей». СПб: Изд-во Гос. Эрмитажа. 2024. К.В. Чугунов

Аржан-2: погребально-поминальный комплекс в тувинской «долине царей».

// СПб: Изд-во Гос. Эрмитажа. 2024. 516 с. ISBN 978-5-907653-57-3


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Монография посвящена исследованиям богатейших материалов погребально-поминального комплекса Аржан-2 в Туве — единственного «царского» мемориала раннескифского времени, сохранившего все захоронения в непотревоженном состоянии. Предпринятый автором анализ сделанных в процессе раскопок наблюдений, многочисленных находок в могилах и других конструкциях, рассмотрение им ранее опубликованных данных позволяют считать Аржан-2 опорным памятником скифской эпохи всей степной Евразии. В богато иллюстрированной книге специально рассмотрены произведения прикладного и наскального искусства, сделана реконструкция облика мемориала на разных этапах его функционирования. В заключение автором предложена концепция формирования кочевой культуры раннескифского времени в азиатской зоне степей.

Издание содержит около 500 иллюстраций, в том числе полевые фотографии, таблицы фотоснимков найденных в погребально-поминальном комплексе вещей, чертежи и другой иллюстративный материал. Адресовано специалистам — археологам, историкам, этнографам, искусствоведам, а также широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся историческим прошлым лесостепной зоны Евразии.




Предисловие автора. — 11


Турано-Уюкская котловина и краткая история археологического изучения «долины царей» Тувы. — 19


Глава 1. Погребально-поминальный комплекс Аржан-2 по материалам раскопок 2000-2004 годов. — 24

1.1. Местоположение памятника, его окружение и внешний вид до начала исследований. — 24

1.2. Методика исследований. — 27

1.3. Исследование структуры наземного сооружения кургана. — 29

1.4. Погребальные комплексы. — 40

1.5. Комплексы, связанные с захоронением лошадей и принадлежностей конского снаряжения. — 176

1.6. Плиты с петроглифами и стелы. — 205

1.7. Находки на площади кургана. — 227

1.8. Впускные могилы более поздних эпох и захоронения, не имеющие определённой датировки. — 232

1.9. Исследования ритуальных сооружений на периферии комплекса. — 240

Глава 2. Материалы Аржана-2 в контексте периодизации археологических памятников Тувы. — 254

2.1. Аржан-2 и Аржан-1. — 254

2.2. Аржан-2 и памятники алды-бельской культуры. — 264

2.3. Аржан-2 и памятники уюкско-саглынской культуры. — 270

Глава 3. Материалы Аржана-2 и хронология эпохи ранних кочевников Евразии. — 276

3.1. Некоторые общие замечания по вопросам хронологии эпохи ранних кочевников и проблема датировки тагарской культуры. — 276

3.2. Конское снаряжение. — 279

3.3. Предметы вооружения. — 290

3.4. Поясные наборы и портупейная система. — 328

3.5. Зеркала, личные украшения и аксессуары. — 342

3.6. Сосуды и другие ёмкости. — 364

3.7. Изделия из текстиля. — 373

Глава 4. Произведения искусства в материалах Аржана-2. — 376

4.1. Произведения прикладного искусства. — 376

4.2. Наскальное искусство. — 423

Глава 5. Реконструкция этапов строительства погребально-поминального комплекса. — 434


Вместо заключения. Опыт синхронизации древностей раннескифского времени. — 441


Принятые сокращения.

Литература. — 452

Прочие сокращения. — 473


Приложение 1. Профили наземного сооружения кургана Аржан-2. — 474

Приложение 2. В.Г. Дирксен. Растительность и климат Турано-Уюкской котловины в голоцене. Характеристика природных условий периода создания кургана Аржан-2. — 477

Приложение 3. М.И. Колосова. Определение пород дерева из погребально-поминального комплекса Аржан-2. — 484

Приложение 4. С.В. Хаврин. Рентгенофлюоресцентный анализ состава металлических изделий кургана Аржан-2. — 489

Приложение 5. Т.Н. Глушкова. Ткани памятника Аржан-2. — 497

Приложение 6. О.В. Орфинская. Технологическое исследование головного убора из женского погребения (М13А-2) и сопутствующих находок из текстиля. — 503


Summary. — 512



Summary.   ^


The monograph is a study of Arzhan-2, a funerary and commemorative complex excavated by the Russian-German expedition in 2000-2004 in the Valley of the Kings, Tuva. Although the site had been studied, in detail in an earlier book published in German in 2010 and in Russian in 2017, the plentiful finds retrieved from it required further investigation. The present study also addresses several important aspects that were discovered during the excavation of Arzhan-2 but remained outside the remit of the previous book, which primarily focused on the undisturbed burials found on the site. Widely known among experts, Arzhan-2 may serve as a reference site for the study of Early Scythian antiquities across the Asian steppe region and beyond. This is why an in-depth review of the excavated materials in the light of the new discoveries is of special importance.


Chapter 1 presents data resulting from excavations of the complex, with an emphasis on the stratigraphy of the mound and burials. Excavation of the principal burial (Grave 5) with its abundant inventory has resulted in a number of important findings, making it possible to reconstruct the sequence in which the grave goods used to be placed next to the bodies of the deceased man and woman. Furthermore, several hypotheses were proposed regarding the materials which have not survived till today but may have originally been present in the burial chamber. The chapter includes photographs showing different parts of the burial and is illustrated with diagrams to provide a clearer understanding of the mutual location of the objects from which only the metal elements have survived. The section about the burials containing horse bodies and harnesses presents a reconstruction of a bridle on the basis of the surviving bronze objects and gold ornaments found among the slabs of the cromlech in burial hoard 1. One important source of information about Arzhan-2 is the stelae and slabs with petroglyphs, many of which have been cleaned and restored; new drawings of the petroglyphs were made after restorative cleaning and are presented in the chapter. Several ritual structures located in the periphery of the mound were studied; they were found to contain a small yet informative set of objects suggesting that the ‘royal’ memorial had been visited over a long period of time. Important data were obtained from a plan of Arzhan-2 made by Michail Gryaznov in 1973 and recently discovered in the archives; the plan shows several structures which used to be located near the circular fences of the mound but had not survived until the excavations.


Chapter 2 seeks to place the Arzhan-2 finds within the context of the Scythian cultural traditions known to have been prominent in Tuva. Our analysis indicates that Arzhan-2 is an elite memorial site originating from the Aldy-bel’ culture. The connection of the burial customs and grave goods with Aldy-bel’ traditions is particularly evident in the inventory of the accompanying burials at Arzhan-2.


In Chapter 3, artefacts excavated from Arzhan-2 burials are evaluated in terms of their chronological potential. The dating of the burials and their assignment with specific stages in the history of Arzhan-2 is preceded by a discussion of general issues pertaining to the chronology of Early Scythian sites in the Asian steppe zone. This part of the book offers a new perspective on the development of the Tagar culture in the Minusinsk Hollow area (Middle Yenisei basin). The Tagar materials discovered in Arzhan-2 burials share many common features, in contradiction to the traditional chronology and the existing theories on the evolution of Tagar antiquities. Our analysis of the Tagar artefacts enables us to suggest that the Minusinsk Hollow in the late eighth century BC was home to the Podgornovo and Saragash cultural traditions, which evolved in parallel. The so-called Bidzha sites, which combined features of the Podgornovo and Saragash cultures and were regarded in traditional chronology as a transitional phase between two stages of the same culture, may reflect this parallel development. The multicultural approach to Early Scythian sites in the mountainous steppe regions resolves many questions regarding their time correlation, as shown by the Arzhan-2 and Tagar finds.


The abundant archaeological materials retrieved from Arzhan-2 are analysed in the broad context of steppe cultures; the study of serial finds relies on the classificatory nomenclature and methods of comparative typology. The analysis of horse harnesses is based on the comparison of principal horse harness, which have been classified into six types depending on the technologies used to attach the bits to the cheek-pieces. Given that the transition from


one type to another was determined by their evolution, this class of finds offers considerable chronological potential. Our comparative analysis has shown that the principal horse harness retrieved from Arzhan-2 represent the two earliest types.


The most numerous class of finds retrieved from Arzhan-2 is arrowheads. The arrowhead typology used in the chapter based on the classical principles supported by the overwhelming majority of researchers. The quiver sets offer extremely valuable information on the dating of various parts of the site. A comparison of arrow sets retrieved from the burials has made it possible to identify the key typological features of the arrowheads. The Arzhan-2 knives are classified into five groups, shedding new light on the relative chronology for this kind of finds.


Each category of Arzhan-2 finds is analysed and compared with similar materials from archaeological sites in Tuva as well as other regions. The analysis of belt sets, mirrors, personal decorations and accessories, pottery from the ground structure, ladles, cauldrons, textile fragments and other finds has made it possible to identify the invariant features and variations which existed in the nomad culture of the Early Scythian period over a vast territory.


Chapter 4 addresses the rich collection of ancient art found in Arzhan-2. A special section focuses on objects of applied art and petroglyphs recovered from the mound. Apart from in-depth archaeological analysis, the study of ancient art necessitates recourse to art history methods and terminology. In view of this, a special methodological approach to this class of finds was developed on the basis of the existing research data on ancient art and jewellery technologies. When looking for objects comparable in terms of ornamentation, high-precision casting and soldering techniques as well as composition and iconography, we have been able to identify cultures and regions which had influenced the development of Arzhan-2 art. The discovery of rock art samples inside the mound is particularly relevant to the dating of a large group of petroglyphic drawings. The stylistic analysis of rock art from Arzhan-2 and the comparison to well-known images from other parts of Central Asia have made it possible to trace the evolution of the Arzhan-Mayemir tradition within the animal style.


Chapter 5 completes the analysis of the finds from Arzhan-2. The architectural elements and burial structures as well as stratigraphic and planigraphic data documented during the excavation of the above-ground structure indicate that the complex has an internal chronology. The comparison of the profile sections has made it possible to identify patterns in the stratification of the clay and loam layers and to reconstruct the original mound which contained most of the burials. The reconstruction of the site’s lifecycle is supplemented by the analysis of serial and individual finds and features. It remains unclear how long the complex was in use, although it may have been active for a space of a single generation (25 years). The new data about the earliest Tasmola sites in Central Kazakhstan make it possible to shift the dating of the earliest Arzhan-2 complexes to the mid-seventh century BC.


The final sections of the book attempt to establish the time correlation between Early Scythian sites across the Eurasian steppes. The comparison of Scythian-type cultures is complicated by their multidirectional migrations and increasing intercultural communication. The interregional analysis relies on the concept of cultural-chronological horizons. Artefacts associated with the same cultural-chronological horizon display recognisable shared elements, also known as horizon markers. Reference sites for each of the three horizons were selected across Tuva (Arzhan-1 for the Horizon 1, Arzhan-2 for Horizon 2, and Chinge-Tey I for Horizon 3). It is quite possible that each of the horizons may be further segmented into phases (early, high and late). The anthropological information confirms the available data on the extreme diversity of ethnicities involved in the formation of nomadism.


The appendixes to the monograph, which were compiled by experts on Arzhan-2, summarise the available research findings about the ancient environment and climate in the valley as well as on the metal, wood and textile objects recovered on the site. A separate section presents the findings of a study conducted during the restoration of an intricate headdress retrieved from a female burial.





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