А.Л. Бэшем
Чудо, которым была Индия.
| Глава I | Глава II | Глава III | [ . . . ]
Глава I.
L. Dudlеу Stamp, Asia, 8th ed., London, 1950.
O.H.K. Spate, India and Pakistan, London, 1954.
A. Cunningham, ed. S. Majumdār, The Ancient Geography of India, Calcutta, 1924.
B.C. Law, Historical Geography of Ancient India, Paris, 1954.
B.S. Guha, Outline of the Racial History of India, Calcutta, 1937.
A.J. Arherry, Asiatic Jones, London, 1946.
J. Gumming a. oth., Revealing India’s Past, London, 1939.
R. Schwab, La Renaissance Orientale, Paris, 1950.
G.T. Garratt a. oth., The Legacy of India, Oxford, 1937.
P. Masson-Oursel a. oth., Ancient India and Indian Civilization, London, 1934.
A.А. Масdonell, India’s Past, Oxford, 1927.
L.D. Barnett, Antiquities of India, London, 1913.
R.C. Мajumdār, Ancient India, Banaras, 1952.
R.C. Мajumdār a. oth., History and Culture of the Indian People, vol. I, London, 1950; vol. II-VI, Bombay, 1951-1960 (I: The Vedic Age; II; The Age of Imperial Unity; III; The Classical Age; IV: The Age of Imperial Kanauj; V; The Struggle for Empire; VI: The Delhi Sultanate).
L. Renou, La Civilisation de l'Inde Ancienne, Paris, 1950.
L. Renou e. au., L'Inde Classique, vol. I-II, Paris, 1947-1953.
Главa II. ^
Общие работы.
S. Piggott, Prehistoric India, Harmondsworth, 1950.
B. Subbarao, The Personality of India. 2nd ed., Baroda, 1958.
D.H. Соrdоn, The Prehistoric Background of India Culture, Bombay, 1958.
R.E.М. Wheeler, The Indus Civilization (Приложение к CHI), Cambridge, 1953.
R.E.М. Wheeler, Early India and Pakistan, London, 1959.
H.D. Sankalia, Indian Archaeology Today, London, 1962.
H.D. Sankalia, Prehistory and Protohistory in India and Pakistan, Bombay, 1962.
V.G. Сhilde, New light on the Most Ancient East, 4th ed., London, 1952 (рус. пер.: Г. Чайльд, Древнейший Восток в свете новых раскопок, М., 1956).
V.G. Сhilde, The Aryans, London, 1926.
L. de la Vallée Poussin, Indo-Européens et Indo-Iraniens, 2nd ed., Paris, 1936.
А.А. Масdonell a. A.B. Keith, A Vedic Index, I-II, London, 1912.
W. Rau, Staat und Gesellschaft im alten Indien nach den Brahmanatexten dargestellt, Wiesbaden, 1957.
Основные археологические отчёты.
J. Marshall a. oth., Mohenjo Daro and the Indus Civilization, I-III, London, 1931.
E. Масkау a. oth., Further Excavations at Mohenjo Daro, Delhi, 1938.
E. Масkay a. oth., Chanhu Daro Excavations, New Haven, Conn., 1943.
М.S. Vats a. oth., Excavations at Harappa, I-II, Delhi, 1940.
R.E.М. Wheeler, Harappā, 1946..., — AI, 3, 1947.
B.B. Lal, Excavations at Hastinapura..., — AI, 10-11, 1954-1955.
G.R. Sharma, Excavations at Kauśāmbi, 1957-1959, Allahabad, 1960.
F.A. Khan, Kot Diji, 1957-1958, Preliminary Report, Karachi, [б.г.].
Переводы ведийской литературы см. в библиографии к гл. VII.
Глава III. ^
Общая история Индии.
R.С. Мajumdār a. oth., Advanced History of India, 2nd ed., London, 1950.
V.A. Smith, ed. T.G.P. Spear, The Oxford History of India, 3rd ed., Oxford, 1958.
H.G. Rawlinson, India, a Short Cultural History, London, 1937.
«The Cambridge History of India», I-VI (т. II ещё не издан), Cambridge, 1922-...
R.С. Мajumdār a. oth., History and Culture of the Indian People.
История домусульманской Индии.
H.С. Rayсhaudhurī, Political Flistory of Ancient India, 6th ed., Calcutta, 1953.
E.J. Rapson, Ancient India, Cambridge, 1916.
V.A. Smith, Early History of India, 4th ed., Oxford, 1924.
K.A. Nilakanta Sāstrī, History of India, p. I, Madras, 1950.
L. de la Vallée Poussin, L’Inde aux Temps des Mauryas..., Paris, 1930.
L. de la Vallée Poussin, Dynasties et Histoire de l’Inde..., Paris, 1935.
D.D. Kosambi, The Culture and Civilisation of Ancient India, London, 1965.
Специальные работы.
Т.W. Rhуs Davids, Buddhist India, London, 1903.
R. Thapar, Asoka and the Decline of the Mauryas, Oxford, 1961.
K.A. Nīlakanta Sāstrī a. oth., A Comprehensive History of India, vol. II, The Mauryas and Satavahanas, Calcutta, 1957.
W.W. Tarn, The Greeks in Bactria and India, 2nd ed., Cambridge, 1951.
A.K. Nārāin, The Indo-Greeks, Oxford, 1957.
J. Marshall a. oth. Taxila, I-III, Cambridge, 1951. J. E. van Lohuizen de Leeuw, The «Scythian» Period..., Leiden, 1949.
R. Ghirshman, Bégram, Recherches archéologiques et historiques sur les Kouchans, Cairo, 1946.
R.С. Majumdār a. oth., The Gupta-Vākāṭaka Age, Lahore, 1946.
R.С. Majumdār a. oth., History of Bengal, vol. I, Dacca, 1943.
R.K. Мookerjī, The Gupta Empire, Bombay, 1947.
R.K. Мookerjī, Harsha, London, 1926.
R.S. Trīpathī, History of Kanauj, Benares, 1937.
H.G. R a y, Dynastie History of Northern India, I-II, Galcutta, 1931-1936.
B.N. Puri, History of the Gurjara Pratihāras, Bombay, 1957.
G. Yazdānī (ed.), Early History of the Deccan, I-II, Oxford, 1960.
K.A. Nīlakanta Sāstrī, History of South India, Oxford, 1955.
A.К. Мajumdār, The Chaulukyas of Gujarat, Bombay, 1955.
P.T.S. Iyengar, History of the Tamils to 600 A.D., Madras, 1929.
K.N. Sivarāja Pillai, Chronology of the Early Tamils, Madras, 1932.
R. Gopālan, History of the Pallavas of Kānchī, Madras, 1928.
K.A. Nīlakanta Sāstrï, The Colas, 2nd ed., Madras, 1955.
J.D.М. Derrett, The Hoysalas, Oxford, 1955.
R. Sewell, A Forgotten Empire (Vijayanagar), London, 1900.
B.A. Saletore, Social and Political Life in the Vijayanagar Empire, I-II, Madras, 1934.
G.C. Мendis, The Early History of Ceylon, 9th impression, Calcutta, 1948.
H.W. Codrington, A Short History of Ceylon, revised ed., London, 1939.
H.C. Ray a. S. Paranavitāna (ed.). History of Ceylon, vol. 1, Colombo, 1960.
C.W. Niсholas a. S. Paranavitāna, A Concise History of Ceylon, Colombo, 1961.
Источники. Надписи.
Corpus Inscriptionum Indiсаrum
E. Hultzsсh (ed.,) I. Inscriptions of Aśoka, London, 1925.
S. Konow (ed.), II. Kharoṣṭhī Inscriptions, London, 1929.
J.F. Fleet (ed.), III. Inscriptions of the Early Gupta Kings, London, 1888.
V.V. Мirāshī (ed.), IV. Inscriptions of the Kalachuri-Chedi Era, Ootacamund, 1955.
«Epigraphia Indica», Calcutta — Delhi, 1892-... (продолжается до сих пор).
L. Rice (ed.), Epigraphia Carnatica, I-XII, Bangalore, 1886-1904.
«South Indian Inscriptions», Madras, 1890-... (продолжается до сих пор).
«Annual Report of South Indian Epigraphy», Madras, 1888-1953.
Заменено: «Annual Report of Indian Epigraphy», New Delhi, 1952-... (продолжается до сих пор).
D. de Z. Wiekremasinghe a. S. Paranavitana (ed.), Epigraphia Zeylanica, I-V, London, 1904-1955.
J. Blосh, Les Inscriptions d’Asoka, Paris, 1950.
D.С. Sircār, Select Inscriptions Bearing on Indian History and Civilization, vol. I, Calcutta, 1942.
Литературные источники.
F.E. Pargiter, The Purāṇa Text of the Dynasties of the Kali Age, London, 1931.
J. Przyluski (tr.), La Légende de l’Empereur Açoka..., Paris, 1923.
M.A.Stein (tr.), Kalhana’s Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir, I-II, Westminster, 1900.
E.R.Cowell a. F.W. Thomas (tr.), The Harṣacarita of Bāṇa, London, 1897.
W. Geiger (tr.), Mahāvaṃsa, 2nd impression with addendum by G.С. Mendis, Colombo, 1950.
W. Geiger (tr.), Cūlavaṃsa, I-II, London, 1929-1930.
Индия в классической литературе.
J.W. McCrindle (tr.), The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great..., 2nd ed., Westminster, 1896.
J.W. МсGrindle (tr.), Ancient India as Described by Megasthenes and Arrian, Calcutta, 1877.
J.W. McCrind1e (tr.), Ancient India as Described in Classical Literature, Westminster, 1901.
J.W. McCrindle (tr.), Ancient India as Described dy Ptolemy, 2nd ed., ed. S.N. Majumdār, Calcutta, 1927.
R.С. Majumdār (ed.), Classical Account of India, Calcutta, 1960.
W.H. Sehoff (tr.), The Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, London, 1912.
Индия по рассказам китайских путешественников.
S . Beal (tr.), Si Yu Ki, Buddhist Records of the Western World, I-II, London, 1883.
S. Beal (tr.), Life of Hiuen-Tsiang by the Shamans Hwui Li and Yen Tsung, 2nd ed., London, 1911.
T. Watters, On Yuan Chwang’s Travels in India, I-II, London, 1904-1905.
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