[ каталог выставки ]
Фракийское золото из Болгарии. Ожившие легенды.
// [ каталог выставки в ГИМ ] М.: Кучково поле. 2013. 360 с.
См. на academia.edu.
[ аннотация: ]
На выставке «Фракийское золото из Болгарии. Ожившие легенды», охватывающей значительный хронологический период с VIII в. до н.э. по III в. н.э., впервые представлены как хорошо известные шедевры ювелирного искусства древних фракийцев, так и новые находки, получившие своё второе рождение благодаря деятельности государственных и частных музеев и фондов.
Выставка подводит итог кропотливой работе учёных Болгарии и России по изучению различных аспектов истории Древней Фракии и Северного Причерноморья.
Организаторами и участниками этого крупного международного проекта выступили, помимо Государственного исторического музея, семь государственных и частных музеев Болгарии, предоставивших свои великолепные экспонаты для показа в Москве.
Издание адресовано историкам, археологам, искусствоведам, а также всем посетителям музея, интересующимся историей Древней Фракии.
[ Курсивом даны заголовки, не вынесенные в Содержание. ]
Официальные приветствия. — 10-11
Содержание. —12-13
Елка Пенкова, Любава Конова. Древняя Фракия в легендах и образах. — 14
Иван Маразов. Царская идеология и искусство фракийцев. — 22
Денис Журавлёв, Кирилл Фирсов. Фракия, скифский мир и античные города Северного Причерноморья. — З2
Светла Цанева. Наблюдения за технологией изготовления некоторых предметов из захоронения в Голяма могила и сосудов из Панагюриштенского клада. — 39
Веселина Инкова. Одинаковые и разные — три ритона с протомой оленя IV в. до н.э. — 42
[ Каталог: ]
Древняя Фракия. — 54
Фракийский царь — воин и жрец [ кат. 1-20 ]. — 58
Инсигнии правителей [ кат. 21-29 ]. — 98
Ритуальные сервизы фракийских царей [ кат. 30-36 ]. — 113
Сервиз Аполлона [ кат. 37-41 ]. — 122
Клад из Борово [ кат. 42-46 ]. — 130
Погребальные обряды фракийцев [ кат. 47 ]. — 138
Погребение правителя середины IV в. до н.э. в кургане близ сёл Маломирово и Златиница [ кат. 48-55 ]. —142
Конь и всадник [ кат. 56-62 ]. — 160
Клад из Летницы [ кат. 63-64 (1-19) ]. — 180
Клад из Панагюриште [ кат. 65-73 ]. — 202
Орфей [ кат. 74-76 ]. — 220
Мифологическая Гиперборея [ кат. 77-80 ]. — 228
Сервиз для совершения обрядов в честь Великой богини-матери и Диониса [ кат. 81-83 ]. — 238
Кентавры во фракийской идеологии и иконографии [ кат. 84-85 ]. — 242
Амазонки — женщины-воительницы [ кат. 86-95 ]. — 248
Золотое руно [ кат. 96-97 ]. — 262
Эллинская колонизация и Аполлония Понтийская. — 268
Лекифы в погребальном обряде фракийцев [ кат. 98-106 ]. — 272
Захоронение фракийской аристократки близ с. Синеморец, округ Царево [ кат. 107-111 ]. —284
Культ Диониса и обрядность [ кат. 112-133 ]. — 292
Римская Фракия [ кат. 134-157 ]. — 320
Список литературы. — 350
Список сокращений. — 357
Summary. ^
Thracian Gold from Bulgaria. The Legends become alive exhibition, organized by the State Historical Museum of the Russian Federation, is dedicated to the culture of ancient Thrace. Several public and private museums from the Republic of Bulgaria had provided an impressive set of works of ancient art, for the first time in history presented in such great numbers to the Russian audiences. The exhibition is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria. Organizers and participants of this exhibition from the Bulgarian side include the National Museum of History, Sofia; the Plovdiv Regional Archaeological Museum; the Rouse Regional Historical Museum; the Vratsa Regional Historical Museum; the Lovech Regional Historical Museu; the Thrace Foundation with Vassil Bojkov Museum and the Museum of ARETÈ-FOL Foundation, with the State Historical Museum of the Russian Federation serving as the organizer and the host of the exhibition.
The Russian audience of the exhibition had been given the opportunity to get acquainted with the unique archeological finds of the historical period between the 8th century before the Common Era (abbreviated in this edition as BC) and the 3rd century of the Common Era. These treasures were discovered in the modern Republic of Bulgaria during archaeological excavations of the tombs of Thracian aristocracy as well as in the numerous troves buried during the Thracian era.
Most of the presented objects of art and material culture originated in the world-famous finds, such as the Rogozen and Panagyurishte troves, including the Apollonian service from the latter trove, and other parts of the cultural and historical heritage of Bulgaria; as such they were well-known to all admirers of archaeology, both professionals and amateurs. Numerous other creations of the ancient masters of toreutics, possibly not as famous, but no less unique, appeared in their golden splendor before the visitors of this breathtaking exhibition. Many of these had not been previously exhibited outside of their museums of provenance.
The exhibition assembled in one space a large collection of treasures of ancient metalworking that included various vessels and phials, articles of gold and silver, as well as ritualistic and ceremonial service sets made from precious metals. The rest of the exhibited objects had generated equally high interest: a variety of items of jewelry; richly decorated horse harness; parts of offensive and defensive armor; ancient pottery and terracotta statues; ritualistic items made of gold, silver, bronze, iron, clay, marble, and other materials.
Of note is the fact that all of these marvels of ancient culture were not only objects of art but also carried significant semantic meaning, as almost every piece is decorated with images based on mythological subjects, popular among the Thracians.
The exhibition is the result of extensive work of Bulgarian and Russian scientists in their studies of various aspects of ancient history of Thrace and the Northern Black Sea region. This joint exhibition project of the museums of two countries is of great interest for the Russian public and serves as a great example of an effective and efficient co-operation of scientists, museum professionals and politicians in Russia and Bulgaria.
This book, comprising the detailed catalog of the exhibition, is expected to be of interest to historians, archaeologists, art historians, as well as all museum visitors interested in the history of ancient Thrace.