G.I. Borovka
Scythian Art.
// London: Ernest Benn, Ltd. 1928. 111 pp., 74 pl.
Description of plates.
Note. — An asterisk indicates objects not previously published. When not otherwise stated all the objects illustrated are preserved in the Hermitage at Leningrad and are reproduced in natural size. The dating of the objects found in Scythia is based upon my own unpublished studies and often differs from what was hitherto accepted. I can only say that I have a good reason in each case. The dating of Siberian antiquities has been inadequately studied; I therefore give an attribution to the Bronze or Iron Age respectively. It may be assumed that all objects from the collection of Peter the Great belong to the latter.
Plates 1-74.
• 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 •
• 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 • 26 • 27 • 28 • 29 • 30 • 31 • 32 • 33 • 34 • 35 • 36 • 37 • 38 • 39 • 40 •
• 41 • 42 • 43 • 44 • 45 • 46 • 47 • 48 • 49 • 50 • 51 • 52 • 53 • 54 • 55 • 56 • 57 • 58 • 59 • 60 •
• 61 • 62 • 63 • 64 • 65 • 66 • 67 • 68 • 69 • 70 • 71 • 72 • 73 • 74 •
[Òàáëèöû äàþòñÿ ïî ñêàíó íèçêîãî êà÷åñòâà è ñî âðåìåíåì áóäóò çàìåíåíû.]
^ Plate 1. Ornament from a shield (?); chased gold; about 1/2 natural size; Kuban district; Kostromskaya Stanitsa; VII-VIth century b.c.; C.R., 1897, p. 13, Fig. 46; Minns, p. 226, Fig. 129; Ebert, p. 140, Fig. 58.
^ Plate 2. Plate from a gorytus; stamped gold; about 1/2; Kuban district; Kelermeskaya Stanitsa; VIIth-VIth century b.c.; Archäologischer Anzeiger, 1905, I, p. 57, Fig. 1.
^ Plate 3. * A. Plate from the rim of a wooden vase, stamped gold; about 2/3; Dniepr district, Gov. Ekaterinoslav, village of Dubovaya, near Verkhn’edn’eprovsk (?); Vth century b.c.; Moscow Historical Museum; Inv. No. 38157.
B. Plate from the rim of a wooden vase, stamped gold; about 2/3; Crimea, Ak-Mechet, near Eupatoria; VIth-Vth century b.c.; T.K.R., II, p. 284, Fig. 249.
C & H. Gold plaques ornamenting garments, stamped.
F & G. Dniepr district, Solokha barrow. Tauric Gov., near Melitopol; Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1913-15, p. 108, Fig. 178; p. 114, Fig. 186.
* D. Donetz district, Gov. Kharkov; VIth century b.c.; Moscow Historical Museum.
E. Kuban district, Ulski Aul; VIIth-VIth century b.c.; found 1908; C.R., 1908, p. 118, Fig. 166.
* C. Kuban district; purchased in Maikop, 1908; VIth-Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1908, p. 181.
H. Kuban district, barrows of the Small Seven Brothers in the Kuban delta; first half of Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1880, p. 97, Plate IV, 12.
^ Plate 4. Ornamental plaques from horse-trappings, cast bronze.
A & C. Kuban district, barrows of the Seven Brothers in the Kuban delta; first half of Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1876, pp. 135-6, No. 7 and No. 8 text-figure; Minns, p. 214, Fig. 115.
B. Dniepr district, Gov. Kiev, near Chigirin; VIth-Vth century b.c.; B.C.A., XIV, p. 27, Fig. 67.
^ Plate 5. Ornamental plaques from horse-trappings, cast bronze.
A, C & D. Dniepr district, Kiev Gov., near Chigirin; VIth-Vth century b.c.; C – Kiev Museum; B.C.A., XIV, p. 15, Fig. 33; B.C.A., XX, p. 7. Fig. 5; B.C.A., XIV, p. 26, Fig. 59.
B. Kuban district, barrows of the Small Seven Brothers in the Kuban delta; first half of Vth century b.c.; Rostovtseff, p. 196, Fig. 22 A.
^ Plate 6. Ornamental plaques (A, B & D), and ornament in the round (C), from horse-trappings, cast bronze.
A & G. Kuban district, barrows of the Seven Brothers in the Kuban delta; first half of Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1877, p. 14, text-figure No. 9; C.R., 1876, p. 126, text-figure No. 59; T.K.R., III, p. 517, Fig. 476; I, p. 50, Fig. 58.
B & D. Kuban district, barrows of the Small Seven Brothers in the Kuban delta; first half of Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1878-9, pp. vii-viii.
^ Plate 7. A. Girdle plate or horse’s frontlet, open-work bronze; about 1/2; Kuban district, bought; IVth century b.c. (?); C.R., 1906, p. 129, Fig. 186.
B & C. Ornamental plates from bridges, open-work bronze; about 2/3; Kuban district, Elizavetinskaya Stanitsa; Vth-IVth century b.c.; Rostovtseff, p. 196, Fig. 22, H-I; C.R., 1913-15, p. 178 seq.
D. Pole-top, open-work bronze; about 1/2; Kuban district, purchased; IVth century b.c.; C.R., 1900, p. 37, Figs. 96-7.
^ Plate 8. Ornaments from horse-trappings; cast bronze.
A. Kuban district, barrows of the Seven Brothers in the Kuban delta; first half of Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1876, p. 126, No. 60 text-figure; Minns, p. 209, Fig. 109.
B & C. Dniepr district, Kiev Gov., near Chigirin; VIth-Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1903, p. 118; B.C.A., XIV, pp. 16-17, Fig. 39.
* D. Kuban district, purchased; VIth century b.c.; Moscow Historical Museum; C.R., 1903, p. 169.
^ Plate 9. Girdle plate, cast bronze; mouth of the Dniepr, necropolis of Olbia; VIth century b.c.; M.A.R., XXXIV, Plate 12, Fig. 1, 3.
^ Plate 10. A. Sword-hilt, hammered (?) iron; about 2/3; Dniepr district, Kiev Gov., near Chigirin; VIth-Vth century b.c.; B.C.A., XIV, p. 62, Fig. 10.
* B. Bridle-piece, hammered iron; about 2/3; Kuban district, Ulski Aul; VIIth-VIth century b.c.; C.R., 1909-10, p. 148.
C. Knife, hammered iron; about 2/3; Dniepr district, Kiev Gov., near Chigirin; VIth-Vth century b.c.; B.C.A., XIV, p. 21, Fig. 52.
^ Plate 11. A-F. Gold plaques for sewing on garments, stamped.
*A & F. Donetz district, Kharkov Gov.; VIth century b.c.; Moscow Historical Museum.
B, C & E. Dniepr district, Kiev Gov., near Chigirin; VIth-Vth century b.c.; B.C.A., XIV, p. 20, Figs. 50, 47 and 48.
D. Kuban district, Ulski Aul; VIIth-VIth century b.c.; C.R., 1908, p. 118, Figs. 168a and 168b.
G & H. Plates from the handles of wooden vessels, chased gold; about 3/4; Crimea, Ak-Mechet, near Eupatoria; VIth-Vth century b.c.; T.K.R., II, p. 285, Fig. 250.
* H. About 3/4; Dniepr district, Solokha barrow, Tauric Gov., near Melitopol; Vth century b.c.; 1913-15, p. 120, Fig. 193 (side view).
^ Plate 12. Ornament from a shield (?); chased gold; eye and nostril inlaid with enamel and ear with amber; about 1/2; Kuban district, Kelermeskaya Stanitsa; VIIth-VIth century b.c.; Rostovtseff, Plate IX, Fig. 1; Ebert, p. 116, Fig. 43.
^ Plate 13. Ornament, cast bronze; Crimea; found by Kulakovski, near Simferopol; VIIth-VIth century b.c.; C.R., 1895, p. 17, Fig. 32, and p. 118, Fig. 292.
^ Plate 14. A. Bridle-piece, cast bronze; Kuban district, barrows of the Seven Brothers in the Kuban delta; first half of Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1876, p. 134, No. 3 text-figure.
B. Ornamental boss from horse-trappings, cast bronze; from the same grave; first half of the Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1877, p. 13, No. 6; Minns, p. 217 [214], Fig. 115.
C. Ornament from horse-trappings (?), cast bronze, Dniepr district, Kiev Gov., near Chigirin; VIth-Vth century b.c.; Kiev Museum; B.C.A., XIV, p. 6, Fig. 6.
D. Ornament from horse-trappings (?), cast bronze; Kuban district, purchased; VIth-Vth century b.c.; Moscow Historical Museum; C.R., 1903, p. 169, Fig. 328.
^ Plate 15. A. Ornament of unknown use, cast bronze, overlaid with gold-leaf. The middle of the body is encircled with cloisons of gold wire once containing coloured inlays; about 3/4; Crimea, from the “Golden Barrow,” near Simferopol; VIIth-VIth century b.c.; C.R., 1890, p. 6, Fig. 3.
B & C. Ornaments from horse-trappings; cast bronze; Dniepr district, Kiev Gov., near Chigirin; VIth-Vth century b.c.; B.C.A., XIV, pp. 15 and 27, Figs. 31 and 64.
^ Plate 16. Ornamental plaques from horse-trappings, cast bronze.
B & C. Dhiepr district, Kiev Gov., near Chirgirin, VIth-Vth century b.c.; B.C.A., XIV, pp. 12 and 15, Figs. 23 and 32.
* A & D. Slightly reduced; Crimea, barrow, near Eltegen, on the Straits of Kerch, i.e. from the necropolis of the Greek colony of Nymphasum; first half of Vth century b.c.
^ Plate 17. Ornaments from horse-trappings, cast bronze.
A. Kuban district, purchased; VIth-Vth century b.c.; Moscow Historical Museum; C.R., 1903, p. 169, Fig. 327.
B. Kuban district, Stanitsa Elizavetinskaya; Vth-IVth century b.c.; Rostovtseff, p. 196, Fig. 22 D.
* C. Taman Peninsula, Kuban delta; first half of Vth century b.c.
D. Barrows of the Seven Brothers in the Kuban delta; first half of Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1876, p. 136, No. 9 text-figure; Minns, p. 124, Fig. 115; T.K.R., I, p. 51, Fig. 62.
* E. Crimea, barrows near Eltegen, on the Straits of Kerch (necropolis of Nymphæum); first half of Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1877, p. 232, No. 7.
^ Plate 18. A & B. Frontlets from horse-trappings, cast bronze; Dniepr district, Kiev Gov., near Chigirin; VIth-Vth century b.c.; (B is in Kiev Museum); B.C.A., XIV, p. 11, Fig. 13; B.C.A., p. 7, Fig. 4.
C. Bridle-piece, cast bronze; Dniepr district, Keiv Gov., near Chigirin; VIth-Vth century b.c.; B.C.A., XIV, p. 10, Fig. 12.
^ Plate 19. Ornaments from horse-trappings; slightly reduced.
* A & C. Cast bronze; Crimea, near Kerch; first half of Vth century B.C.
* B. Cast bronze; Eltegen on the Straits of Kerch (necropolis of Nymphæum); Vth century b.c.
D. Gold plate, hammered out on the object; Chmyrev Barrow, Tauric Gov., Dniepr region; Vth-IVth century b.c.; C.R., 1898, p. 29, Fig. 36.
^ Plate 20. Gold plates from the rims of wooden vessels (?); chased gold.
A. Kuban district, barrows of the Seven Brothers in the Kuban delta; first half of Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1877, p. 17, Plate I, 8; Minns, p. 211, Fig. 111; Rostovtseff, Plate XIII, A; T.K.R., II, p. 275, Fig. 245.
* B. Don district, Stanitsa Elizavetovskaya, in the Don delta; Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1909-10, p. 145.
^ Plate 21. Horse-trappings – frontlet and cheek- or ear-pieces; gold beaten on wooden backing; about 2/5; Dniepr district, Solokha barrow, Tauric Gov., near Melitopol; Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1912, pp. 46 and 47, Figs. 65, 63, Ebert, pp. 129-30.
^ Plate 22. Plates from sword-sheaths, chased gold.
A. Don district, Stanitsa Elizavetovskaya, in the Don delta; Vth century b.c.; about 1/3; Minns, p. 270, Fig. 186; Ebert, p. 166, Fig. 65.
B. Same site; Vth century b.c.; about C.R., 1909-10, p. 145, Fig. 210.
^ Plate 23. Plates from sword-sheaths, chased gold; about 1/4.
A. Dniepr district, Poltava Gov.; VIth century b.c.; Kiev Museum; Khanenko, Antiquities of the Dniepr district (Russian) III, Plate 45, No. 461; Rostovtseff, Plate VIII, Fig. 3.
B. Dniepr district, Solokha barrow, Tauric Gov., near Melitopol; Vth century b.c.; C.R., 1913-15, p. 108, Fig. 180; Ebert, p. 132.
^ Plates 24 and 25. Pole-tops, cast bronze; about 4/5; Kuban district, Ulski Aul; VIIth-VIth century b.c.; Rostovtseff, Plate X A; Ebert, p. 154, Fig. 62; M.A.R., XXXIV, Plate 12, Figs. 4, 6.
^ Plate 26. Pole-top, cast bronze; about 4/5; Kuban district, Kelermeskaya Stanitsa; VIIth-VIth century b.c.; C.R., 1904, p. 88, Fig. 139; Rostovtseff, Plate X C.
^ Plate 27. Pole-top, cast and hammered bronze; about 1/2; Kuban district, Kelermeskaya Stanitsa; VIIth-VIth century b.c.; Rostovtseff, Plate X B.
^ Plate 28. Pole-top, cast bronze; about 2/3; Dniepr district, Tauric Gov., near Melitopol; Vth century b.c.; B.C.A., XIX, p. 110, Figs. 70 and 72; C.R., 1898, p. 80, Figs. 143 and 144.
^ * Plate 29. Cauldron hammered – the handles cast and riveted on. Only one of the two handles is preserved. About 1/5; Kuban district, Kelermeskaya Stanitsa; VIIth-VIth century B.C.
^ * Plate 30. Mirrors, cast bronze; about 1/2; Dniepr district, dug up by Samokvasov in Gov. Poltava; VIth-Vth century b.c.; Moscow Historical Museum; Cat. Nos. 1739 and 1722.
^ Plate 31. A. Spoon, carved bone, with ornaments partly engraved. The upper part of the snout has been broken off. Orenburg Gov.; VIth-Vth century b.c.; Moscow Historical Museum; Rostovtseff in M.A.R., XXXVII, Plate VII, 1.
B. Object of uncertain use, carved bone; Orenburg Gov.; uncertain time. (The object is of interest for comparison with the bear’s figure on the spoon where the head is very similar. The body is only schematically rendered); C.R., 1894, p. 38, Fig. 42.
^ Plate 32. Carved bone ornaments from horse-trappings, except A and C, which are of unknown use.
* A & C. Crimea, Temir Gora, near Kerch; VIIth century b.c. (found with a jug of Milesian-Rhodian style. Cf. C.R., 1870-1, p. XX, Plate IV).
B, D & F-H. Kuban district, Kelermeskaya Stanitsa; VIIth-VIth century b.c.; C.R., 1904, p. 91, Figs. 146-7, pp. 93-4, Figs. 159-60.
* E. Dniepr district, Kiev Gov., near Chirigin; VIth-Vth century b.c.; Moscow Historical Museum; Inv. No. 18913.
^ Plate 33. A. Comb, carved bone; about 1/2; Dniepr district, Poltava Gov.; VIth century b.c., Kiev Museum; Khanenko, II, Plate XXXI, No. 511.
B. Bridle-pieces, carved bone; about 2/3; Dniepr district, Kiev Gov., near Chigirin; B.C.A., XVII, p. 87, Fig. 13.
C. Bridle-pieces, carved bone; about 1/2; Poltava Gov.; VIth-Vth century b.c.; Kiev Museum; Khanenko, III, Plate 50, No, 530.
^ Plate 34. Ornament from shield (?), chased gold; about Crimea, Kul Oba barrow near Kerch; beginning of the Vth century b.c.; A.B.C., Plate XXXVI, 1; Minns, Fig. 98; T.K.R., II, p. 308, Fig. 268; Ebert, p. 137.
^ Plate 35. Ear-pieces, or cheek-pieces from horse-trappings, chased gold; A, slightly reduced; B, about 2/3; Dniepr district, Tsymbalk barrow, Tauric Gov.; first half of IVth century b.c.; T.K.R., II, p. 270, Fig. 242; Ebert, p. 145.
^ Plate 36. A. Torque, cast and hammered gold; about 1/2; Kuban district, Stavropol Gov., Village of Kazinskoye; IIIrd century b.c. (?); C.R., 1909-10, and b; M.A.R., XXXIV, Plate VIII, 4.
B. Ornament, cast gold; about 1/2; Siberia, collection of Peter the Great; T.K.R., III, p. 400, Fig. 364.
^ Plate 37, A-C. Ornaments, cast (?) gold with coloured inlays of torquoise and coral; Don district, Treasure of Novocherkask; 1st century b.c. to 1st century a.d. (?)
A. Pyxis with lid; B, long sheath; C, bottle with lid and chains ending in beads; about 2/3; Minns, p. 234, Figs. 140-1; Rostovtseff, Plate XXVI, 3 and 4; T.K.R., III, pp. 492 f., Figs. 445-7, and p. 796, Fig. 753.
D. Ornament of onyx with ends of chased thin gold-leaf; about 2/3; same find; Rostovtseff, Plate XXVI, 2; T.K.R., III, p. 493, Fig. 449.
^ Plate 38. Torque and bracelets, cast and hammered gold with coloured inlays of torquoise and coral; about 1/2; Don district, Treasure of Novocherkask; 1st century b.c. to 1st century a.d. (?); T.K.R., III, pp. 491 f., Figs. 443-4; Minns, p. 234, Fig. 139.
^ * Plate 39. Knives, cast bronze; about 3/4; Siberia, Minussinsk region, from stray finds classical Bronze Age (Nos. A and E new acquisitions of the Hermitage, and Nos. 2-4 from the Radloff collection).
^ Plate 40. A. Dagger, cast bronze; Siberia; end of the Bronze Age; Minussinsk Museum; Tallgren, p. 40, Fig. 41. (Wrongly said by Tallgren to be in possession of Prince Kassatkyne).
B. Dagger, cast and hammered; iron hilt and bronze blade; Siberia, beginning of the Iron Age; C.R., 1901, p. 143, Fig. 258.
C. Dagger, cast and hammered (?) iron; first Iron Age; Siberia, Lopatin collection, Leningrad Arch. Academy; M.A.R., V, Plate XIV, Fig. 9 (=Radloff “Siberian Antiquities”); Minns, p. 242, Fig. 150.
^ Plate 41. Mirror, cast bronze; about 3/4; Siberia; end of Bronze Age or first Iron Age; Aspelin, Antiquités du Nord Finno-Ougrien, p. 71, Fig. 323.
^ Plate 42. Torque, cast bronze; about 4/5; Perm Gov. (?), Siberian import; first Siberian Iron Age; Aspelin, op.cit., p. 135, Fig. 573.
^ Plate 43. A. Battle-axe, cast bronze; Siberia, Minussinsk region; end of Bronze or beginning of Iron Age (?), Minussinsk Museum; Martin, Plate 7, 1.
B-E. Ornamental plates of unknown use, cast bronze; Siberia; Bronze Age and beginning of Iron Age (?). No. B from the Radloff collection, Nos. C-E, purchased by Adrianov in the neighbourhood of Minussinsk (No. E, illustrated in T.K.R., III, p. 366, Fig. 325).
^ Plate 44. A & C. Mirrors, cast bronze; about 1/2; Siberia, district of Minussinsk; first Iron Age (?): A, in Minussinsk Museum, C, Hedman collection; Tallgren, Collection Tovostine, p. 57, Fig. 59 and Plate VIII, 4; Ebert, p. 169, Fig. 67; Martin, op.cit., Plate 30, 11.
B. Pole-top (?), cast bronze; about 1/2; Siberia, Minussinsk district; Bronze Age or beginning of Iron Age (?); M.A.R., XV, p. 126.
^ Plate 45. Ornamental plate, cast gold, eyes, nostrils, ear, claws and tail once set off with coloured inlays; Siberia; from the collection of Peter the Great; Minns, pp. 274, Fig. 194; T.K.R., III, p. 398, Fig. 362.
^ Plate 46. A. Ornamental plate from a girdle-clasp, cast gold, once ornamented with coloured inlays; Siberian; from the collection of Peter the Great; two corresponding pieces, about 2/3; Minns, p. 276, Fig. 198; T.K.R., III, p. 391, Fig. 351; Rostovtseff, Plate XXV, Fig 2.
B. Girdle with clasp and scales, cast (?) and finished off with the chisel (?), gilded silver, inlaid with carnelian; about 2/3; Kuban district, purchased; Siberian import; M.A.R., XXXVII, Plate VIII, 1; Rostovtseff, Plate XXV, Fig. 1.
^ Plate 47. Ornamental plate, cast (?) bronze; China (?), Siberian import; Stoclet collection, Brussels; Chinese, Bronzes, Plate 11 C.
^ Plates 48-52. Ornamental plates from girdle-clasps, cast gold; on the back imprints of woven fabrics perhaps owing to the use of textile stuff, it forming the back of the moulds; Siberia; collection of Peter the Great save for Plate 49 A, which in 1844 was bought in Verkhneudinsk in Transbaikalia; 50-52 have been inlaid with colours, torquoise and coral (?). All specimens exist in pairs save for 49 A, a single example, and 49 B, represented by several pairs. Plates 48 and 51 B are about 3/4 natural size. Plate 52 about 2/3. Plate 48 = T.K.R., III, p. 390, Fig. 350; 49 A = ib., p. 389, Fig. 348; Minns, p. 275, Fig. 197; Plate 49 B = ib., Fig. 355; Plate 50 = ib., Fig. 354; Minns, p. 276, Fig. 199; Plate 51 = ib., Fig. 353; Plate 52 A = ib., Fig. 345; Plate 52 B = ib., Fig. 346.
^ Plate 53. Ornamental plates from girdle-clasps, cast bronze; Siberia, district of Minussinsk, stray finds: A = T.K.R., III, p. 401, Fig. 366. B*.
^ Plate 54. Ornamental plate of unknown use, chased gold, inlaid with torquoise; rather less than natural size; two specimens, Siberia, collection of Peter the Great. Ch. de Linos. L’orfèvrerie cloisonnée. Paris 1878. Plate 12, Fig. 2.
^ Plate 55. * A. Ornament of unknown use (two views), cast gold; Siberia; collection of Peter the Great.
B. Similar object (side view), chased gold; Turgai district, Transcaspia; C.R., 1901, p. 142, Fig. 256.
* D. Finger-ring (two views), chased (?) gold, the ends hammered together; Siberia; collection of Peter the Great.
C. Ornamental button, chased gold; Siberia; collection of Peter the Great; T.K.R., III, p. 398, Fig. 361.
E. Finger-ring, chased gold, the ends united by hammering (?), once inlaid with colours; the Treasure of the Oxus; British Museum; Dalton, The Treasure of the Oxus, No. 111; Minns, l.c., p. 255, Fig. 175.
* F-G. Ornamental buttons, cast gold; Siberia; collection of Peter the Great.
^ Plate 56. A-F. Ornamentation of the ends of torques and one complete torque, chased gold, with coloured inlays now only represented by torquoises on A. A, about 1/2; D and E, about 3/4; Siberia; collection of Peter the Great; A and E = T.K.R., III, pp. 384 f, Figs. 340-1; B, C, D—*
F. End of a torque, cast hollow (?), gold; once inlaid with colours; Siberia; collection of Peter the Great; T.K.R. III, p. 383, Fig. 339; Minns, p. 272, Fig. 191.
^ * Plate 57. A & C. Bracelets and B collar, gold wire with (?) hammered ends; C, about B, about 1/3; A, slightly reduced; Siberia; collection of Peter the Great.
^ Plate 58. Vase with two handles, hammered, the handles cast and attached by rivets; about 2/3; Siberia; collection of Peter the Great; Smirnoff, Plate VI, 19.
^ Plate 59. Ornamental plate of unknown use, carved wood; about 3/4; Siberia, Altai; Frolov collection; Minns, p. 251, Fig. 172.
^ Plate 60. Ornamental plaques and ornaments of unknown use, carved.
B & C. Bone; about 1/2; Siberia, Altai; Frolov collection; Minns, p. 251, Fig. 172.
A. Wood, slightly reduced; Siberia, Altai, Grave near Katanda, excavated by Radloff in 1865; Moscow Historical Museum; J.R.A.I., LV, Plate XIII, Figs. 2, 5.
E. Wood; about 3/4; Siberia; from the Pogodin collection in the Moscow Historical Museum. Antiquaries Journal, VI, No 4, p. 412, Fig. 5.
D, Horn, F, G, Wood; about 1/2; Siberia; from the Frolov collection; Minns, p. 251, Fig. 172.
^ Plate 61. Ornamental plate of unknown use, carved wood; about 4/5; Siberia, the Altai, Grave near Katanda; Radloff, 1865; Moscow Historical Museum; T.K.R., III, p. 375, Fig. 328; J.R.A.I., LV, Plate XIV, Fig. 1.
^ Plate 62. Ornamental boss of unknown use, carved wood; about 4/5; from the same Grave; Moscow Historical Museum; J.R.A.I., LV, Plate XI.
^ Plate 63. Animal figures of unknown use, carved wood; about 3/4; from the same Grave. On the head of each, four holes (not only two as our illustrations suggest) have been bored clearly for ears and horns. The creatures are evidently hybrids of the same sort as those shown on Plates 49 A and 70 A. The saddle has also been indicated on the standing beast. Equine features predominate. The back of the recumbent animal is flattened especially on the shoulders; Moscow Historical Museum; J.R.A.I., LV, Plate XII.
^ Plate 64. A. Battle-axe, cast bronze; about 1/2; Pinega, Archangel Gov., Ananyino culture; from the Uvarov collection, now in the Moscow Historical Museum; A.M. Tallgren, “Djurhuvudyxor av brons från östra Ryssland,” Finskt Museum, 1913, p. 33, Fig. 2; Aspelin, p. 60, Fig. 240; T.K.R., III, p. 435, Fig. 390.
B & C. Ornamental plaques, cast bronze; Kotlovka and Ananyino, Viatka Gov.; Ananyino culture; Museum of Anthropological Institute, Moscow; Tallgren, SMYA, XXXI, p. 173, Fig. 120, 14.
D. Ornamental plate, cast bronze; about 3/4; Ananyino, Viatka Gov.; Ananyino culture; Anthropological and Ethnographical Museum of the Academy of Sciences, Leningrad; Tallgren, op.cit, p. 13, Fig. 14, Grave XXIII; Minns, p. 258, Fig. 180.
E. Knife-hilt, cast bronze; Kotlovka, Viatka Gov.; Ananyino culture; Museum of the Anthropological Institute, Moscow; Aspelin, op.cit, p. 209, Fig. 422; cf. Tallgren, op.cit., p. 43, Fig. 44, 2.
F. Knife-hilt (?), carved horn; about 3/4; Viatka Gov., Ananyino period (?); Moscow Historical Museum; Materials for the Archeology of the Eastern Governments of Russia (Russian), I, Plate VIII, 3.
^ Plate 65. * A. Girdle-clasp (?), cast, dark-coloured alloy of bronze; about 2/3. The spike had been restored in antiquity, and primitive animal figures scratched on the bear’s shoulder. Perm Gov.; Pyanobor period = Han dynasty (?); Museum of Anthropological Institute, Moscow.
B & C. Ornamental plates of unknown use, cast, dark-coloured bronze alloy; about 3/4; Perm Gov.; from the Stroganov collection, Pyanobor period = Han dynasty (?); cf. Aspelin, p. 135, Fig. 569. Zapiski (=Transactions) of the Russian Archæological Society, Russian and Slavonic section, VIII, p. 130, Figs. 378, 380.
^ Plates 66 and 67. Ornamental plates of unknown use, cast, leaden bronze alloy; a little less than natural size; Perm Gov.; Lomovatov period = late Sassanian epoch (?); C.R., 1909, p. 116-19, Figs. 258, 259, 265. Analogous objects illustrated by Minns and Rostovtseff, where are given references to Spitsyn’s Russian standard works on these antiquities
^ Plate 68. Carved animals and heads.
A & B. Elk’s horn; about 1.2; Siberia, Jenessei district, village of Basaikha, near Krasnoyarsk; neolithic (?); Anthropological and Ethnographical Museum of the Academy of Sciences, Leningrad; J. Savenkov: Sur les restes de l’époche néolithique, Congrès internationale d’archéologie, Moscou, 189a. Tome II, p. 323 seq.
* C. Horn; about 1/2; Ural district, Shigirskoye Osero, Ekaterinburg Gov.; neolithic (?).
* D. Bone; little less than natural size; Siberia, Minussinsk district; Bronze Age.
^ Plate 69. B-C. Ceremonial weapons of stone; neolithic.
B. Battle-axe with bear’s head for butt; Antrea, Carelia, Finnland; National Museum, Helsingfors; SMYA, XXVI, p. 260, Fig. 2.
C. Elk’s head perforated for hafting; Hvittis, Satakunta, Finnland; National Museum, Helsingfors; Fornvännen, 1911, p. 156, Fig. 3.
A. Spoon with bear’s head for handle, carved wood; neolithic; Loukaa, Tawastland, Finnland; National Museum, Helsingfors; SMYA, XXVI, pp. 264 f., Fig. 6.
^ Plate 70. Ornamental plates from girdle-clasps; cast bronze, gilded.
A. Stoclet collection, Brussels; Chinese Art, Bronzes, Plate 11 B.
B. Metropolitan Museum, New York; from a Chinese Grave of the Han dynasty; Rostovtseff, Plate XXXI, 2. Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, June 1918, 135 f.
^ Plate 71. A. Chinese bronze vase, style of the Chou dynasty; Victoria and Albert Museum, London; Albert J. Koop, Early Chinese Bronzes, Plate 10 A.
B. Chinese bronze vase; style of the Chou dynasty; collection of Mr. Gejo Masao; Chinese Art., Bronzes, Plate 2 A.
^ Plate 72. A. Ornament on the corner of some object, bronze inlaid with silver; Chinese; style of the Han dynasty (?); Stoclet collection, Brussels; Chinese Art, Bronzes, Plate 10 B.
B. Ring with ornamentation in the form of the beast curled up into a circle; jade; Chinese; Han period (?); Mr. Î.C. Raphael’s collection; Chinese Art, Jades, Plate 1 C.
C. Ornamental plaque, open-work, white nephrite (?), slightly reduced. (Two dragons or griffins with horned birds’ heads confronted above: the coils of their bodies follow the edges of the plaque’s ends and their tails are intertwined in the middle of the lower register.) Chinese, Han period. From the finds brought back by the Koslov Expedition to Mongolia in 1924, now at the Academy of Archæology and Ethnology, Leningrad. Comptes rendus des expéditions pour l’exploration du Nord de la Mongolie (russian), Leningrad, 1925, G. Boroffka, Fig. 15. Burlington Magazine, April, 1926. W. Perceval Yetts, Discoveries of the Kozlov Expedition, Fig. 4.
^ Plates 73 and 74. Details of a large carpet, woven wool, with multicolour applique work in purple, brown and white. The outlines are stitched over with a cord. The scene is embroidered with various patterns; about 1/2; native Scytho-Siberian work, betraying Greek influence; found with Chinese imports of the Han period during the excavations of the Kozlov Expedition to Mongolia in 1924. Now in the Academy of Archaeology and Ethnology, Leningrad.
Plate 73. Griffin and elk. Boroffka, l.c., Fig. 2, Yetts, Plate II, C.
Plate 74. Yak and horned feline monster. Boroffka, l.c., Fig. 3, Yetts l.c., Plate II D.
With the bronze on Plate 72 A, and the nephrite plaque on Plate 72 B, may be compared the Siberian gold plaques figured on Plate 52 A & B. There can be no doubt that the figure of the highly stylized winged dragon on the Chinese bronze and the birds’ heads of the dragon on the nephrite plaque go back to the same prototypes – the Iranian winged lion-griffin and the Greek eagle-griffin respectively—as the figures on the Siberian objects.
Plate 72 B should further be compared with the Scythian and Siberian representations of the same motive exemplified on Plates 13, 14, 45, etc. The manner in which the two bezels of the jade ring are expanded in the places corresponding to the shoulders and hips demonstrates the Chinese artist’s indebtedness to Scytho-Siberian models.
That the scenes of combat between beasts on the carpet from Mongolia, Plates 73 and 74, are native Scytho-Siberian work is proved by their agreement in individual motives with those on Scytho-Siberian objects. The griffin, for instance, may be compared with those on the girdle from the Kuban district (Plate 46), and on the gold plaque depicting an eagle-griffin and a yak (Plate 50). The incrustation of variegated stones on the gold is imitated on the carpet by sewing on variantly coloured threads. The striped bunches of hair on the tail and on the legs of the yak here coincide exactly in shape with those on the bronze plaque (Plate 53 A). In like manner the way in which the branches of the feline beast’s horns as well as his tail and elongated snout terminate in birds’ heads is thoroughly Siberian in style. Parallels are furnished by Plates 48
and 49 A. At the same time the plan of the scene of combat between elk and griffin and the attitude of the yak, charging head-down, are typically Greek. In Greek art such compositions were in vogue from the archaic period onwards. On the other hand, they are strange to the Scytho-Siberian animal style proper. So these fragments furnish us with convincing proof that classical Greek art had exerted its influence even in Central Asia, right to the borders of the Gobi Desert.